They provide a 10% speed boost on all terrain except marsh, desert, and urban. Reconnaissance (REC): A recon company provides a speed bonus on most terrain and a reconnaissance points bonus to commander skill that increases the chance to counter the tactic chosen by the enemy for a day of combat. Lastly, they provide a constant attack bonus to amphibious (naval invasions), which does stack with Marines. Upgrading engineers increases the entrenchment bonus. They also provide an entrenchment bonus on top of that. They provide a constant defense bonus in forest, jungle, hills, marsh, rivers, and forts. Having towed or self-propelled AA in a division reduces the malus that enemy air superiority provides.Įngineers (ENG): Engineers provide a movement bonus in forest, jungle, marsh, and rivers. However, self-propelled AA doesn't have anywhere near as much anti-armor capability. For example, the tier 2 towed AA has enough Piercing to negate the Armor value of tier 1 medium tanks. It should be noted that towed AA units also have half-decent anti-armor capability. Of course, if you have no fighters, putting AA in every division on the front line may be your only option.
They do nothing against strategic bombers (they fly too high), so adding AA to garrisons will not help protect industry.Īt least as of version 1.3, the Devs have reported that attached AA can shoot down fighters, but it takes a lot of it. Towed and self-propelled Anti-Air will only fire at enemy planes attacking that division or other divisions that take part in the same battle. Second - The "standard" recommended division setup is 7 infantry and 2 artillery (each infantry division is 2 combat width and each artillery is 3 combat width) giving an overall combat width of 20, the choice of support divisions is again, entirely choice driven.Īnti-Air (AA): AA will primarily help protect against tactical bombers and CAS attacking a battle that the division is participating in, allowing multiple divisions in the same battle to pool their AA fire.
The position/placement of any type of unit within the division as a whole, will make no difference to it's overall performance. These may be referred to as "line" troops. They are organized into columns, each a regiment which can have up to five battalions, totaling up to a maximum capacity of 25 combat battalions per division. (mainly because I like to operate with my 1 standard division type and a few specialty divisions)Ĭombat battalions are the frontline troops of a division. Personally I avoid the combat width of 40 because of the increased cost in manpower vs the size of a front (a long line of adjacent provinces) that I could cover with that given amount of manpower. Your choice of which combat width to use will depend on your countries availalbe manpower and possibly (though less likely) your IC (Industrial Capacity). I will try to give some advice that may better explain the other advice you will be given.įirst - Combat Width, in a single battle between 1 province and the next, the available combat width for all divisions involved is 80, so for example, if one side has divisions with a combat width of 20, and the other has combat widths of 24, the first side will get 4 of his divisions (4 x 20) in combat verse the other side only getting 3 divisions (3 x 24, as 4 x 24 would go over 80).įor each additional province involved in the single combat (attacking or defending from additional adjacent provinces) the combat width will increase by 40, for this reason, the typical recommnded combat width whould be a multiple of 40 and 80 (eg, 8, 10 or 20, will match this rule)